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- 博客你的想法,值得被传递November 28, 2023在當今的數字時代,互聯網已經成為商業競爭和推廣的主戰場。Seo推廣(搜索引擎優化)是企業和個人想要在激烈的市場競爭中脫穎而出必不可少的關鍵策略。seo推廣通過巧妙的優化網站,吸引更多有針...更多文章
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Happiness and Negative Emotions
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It is quite natural that everyone has annoying feelings and emotions. Some people are broad-minded and able to handle; some are fighting desperately with the outside world in the hope of changing it and keeping all those negative feelings away from them, such as inferiority, insecurity, emptiness, unworthyness, etc..
Experiencing various sufferings enables you to look inside and check “what’s wrong in me”. When you are ready to sit down peacefully with your disliking emotions instead of fighting against the reality, you are on the road to maturity and the space in you begins to rise. Otherwise, your life seems like a battlefield on which you are busily employed in putting out the fire one after another. And all of this is for avoiding those dreadful negative feelings.
Therefore, my dear friends, you should bear in mind that your happiness has nothing to do with a certain person or a specific situation, it is all about to what degree you can stay peacefully with your negative emotions. Those emotions do not come from nowhere. They are the luggage we brought from our childhood or our past experiences. Those fearful feelings are so overwhelming that we have developed our little tricks to deal with them, either by suppressing or distracting. But you have grown up,no longer the vulnerable little kids. It is fine to stare at those emotions bravely, even embrace them with your rising inner space.
In a word, happiness is closely related to one’s ability of staying peacefully with negative emotions. Initially doing this would feel rotten. If I was humiliated and not fighting back, I probably will die. If he dumps me, he takes the breathing air from me. If …. The “ifs” are too many to list. However, you don’t have to suffer this because there is another way out. Just stay with it. Only with time will the turbulence replaced by calmness and you will not be afraid of it anymore. At the moment, you have passed through the door to a marvelous inner world.
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